Sunday, October 5, 2014

Not the Best 4 Years of Your Life

          College; they say it is the best four years of your life. Well I sure hope they aren't because that would mean the rest of my life isn't going to get any better from here. Saying this doesn't mean that college has been horrible; it has been a tremendous experience. However, I think it is up to us to make the best of every day, every week, and every year no matter what we are faced with. So I plan to make these 7 months I have left of college, the very best!

           I would say that my college experience has been a little different than the average college student. There were circumstances in my life during my freshman and sophomore years that didn’t allow me to be around Marshall on a regular basis. This caused me to have limited involvement on campus. If you know me, you know that I like to be busy and you can imagine how I was feeling in my first two years at SMSU. This changed during my junior year when my schedule was clear. I became more involved in clubs and organizations and was able to meet more people. However, there are things I still want to do before I graduate. To make sure that I don't have any regrets during my time at SMSU I have made a bucket list.  This isn't the craziest bucket list and that is fine. It is simply a random collection of things I have yet to do.

These are things I have already completed this year:

1. Play mud volleyball (yes, I am a senior and I have never played during orientation)
2. Get a job in the admissions office
3. Join the Student Activities Committee
4. Attend the 9/11 service at Memorial Park

In the next 7 months I will:

1. Go to Bello Cucina
2. Ride the Community Transit Bus
3. Do a running workout on this hills at Independence Park
4. Bike the entire Marshall bike route 
5. Explore areas of campus I have never been... this seems impossible on our campus but I know there are places I haven't been to. 
6. Attend an SMSU soccer game
7. Attend the Homecoming Parade...yes, I am a senior and have not attended! (10-11-15)
8. Go to the fudge shop
9. Go all out on my outfit for Hawaiian Night (1-31-15)
10. Go on a spring break trip
11. Take a class that has nothing to do with my major...definitely happening next semester (Sports Psychology) 
12. Go to an SMSU theatre improve show
13. Get a picture with Stanger...Yep, hasn't happened yet. (1-31-15)
14. Research my family history at the History Center on campus.
15. Eat at the restaurant that the Culinology students create during spring semester.
16. Go to Camden State Park

I know for a fact that there are more so I will add them as I think of them.

 Ready. Set. Go!
Mud-Volleyball with my friend, Dillan.

9/11 Service. Spent that time with my Aunt's 3rd grade class. (The age I was the day the attacks happened)

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