Sunday, October 12, 2014

SMSU Homecoming

       This was the first SMSU homecoming that I was around for the entire weekend (besides running off to my brother's football game for a couple hours). Considering that I am a senior, that is crazy right? Well if you knew what my schedule was like the past 3 years you would understand why I wasn't around.

Freshman Year: Went back home for my high school homecoming and to crown the new homecoming queen
Sophomore Year: I had to be in the University of Minnesota's homecoming parade to represent the Aquatennial
Junior Year: I had to work during the time of the parade....but I did make it to the game
Senior Year: I made up for my lack of SMSU homecoming participation by fully engaging myself in as many homecoming activities that I could...
Emceed the Mustang Idol event with my friend Josh. 

My sophomore and junior years I was hypnotized during homecoming week. This
year I planned on not being hypnotized but I even though I tried to not be hypnotized
I somehow managed to have it happen to me. I guess I am extremely susceptible to it
because I went under before the hypnotist had even started the process on the entire group.
In this picture I was showing off my superhero move and announced that my superhero name is
Supersonic Surprenant girl.
I love my job in the admissions office. On Wednesday I had it easy at work as I helped
decorate the outside of our office for the door/office decorating contest. We ended up
getting 2nd place...but we all think we clearly deserved first. ;)

On Thursday I emceed the homecoming coronation. Congrats to all of my friends
who were on the court!

Worked at the 25th University Gala as a greeter/usher. I love this event not only because
it is a night that is all about raising money for student scholarships, but that the most fun
people attend this event. I loved talking to the alumni and guests who came. After just an hour
of working, I had several people recognize my last name because of my dad who went to SMSU.
I guess he was kind of a big deal when he attended SMSU ;)
I plan to someday attend this event at an alum.

-After working I rushed off to Wabasso to watch my brother and his football team defeat the Wabasso Rabbits

The homecoming parade started at 11am, I was there at 7:30am. Yes, nearly 4 hours
in advance to set up cameras for the KSSU broadcast of the parade. Doing this is a
requirement of my TV production class. My job this day was to make sure the camera guy
didn't trip on the cables, stop parade traffic for interviews, and to pick up the tons of candy
that people threw at us. Why they think it makes sense to throw candy at the camera guys who
can't pick it up beats me. 

Tailgating before the game. Great time with awesome friends.
 We won!

         It was an awesome last homecoming as a student. I look forward to the years ahead where I can come back and celebrate this awesome university as an alumnus.

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